- N -A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z National Marine Fisheries Service - Federal agencies and regulations related to fisheries and aquatic habitat. National parks - A open recreational area that has been designated for park use by federal authorities. Natural condition - A condition that occurs naturally and entirely without the interference of man, such as a volcano, tornado, earthquake, etc. Natural resources - Amenities or attributes of a property that naturally occur, such as trees, wildlife, etc. Nature preserve - An area designated by governmental agencies to remain in its natural condition, thereby preventing or restricting its development. Neighborhood blight - Urban decay within a community. May be an imposed condition that is ongoing or may be cured and considered a temporary condition. Neighborhood nuisance - Any annoying or irritating external condition or influence. May be permanent or temporary. NFRAP: No Further Remedial Action Planned. Sites which have been removed from CERCLIS. NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health No discharge of free oil - A discharge that does not cause a film, sheen, or discoloration on the surface of the water or cause a sludge or emulsion beneath the water surface. Noise - Unwanted sound. Nonconforming use - Improvements that are not in line with surrounding uses, such as a jail in the middle of a residential neighborhood. Non-friable - A building material that is not capable of being crumbled by hand pressure. Non-market motivation - Any special influence whereby a buyer, seller, or tenant acts in a way that is not typical for the market. For example, a property owner who is in financial distress may sell the property for less that what he or she would have received under normal circumstances. Non-permit - Building or grading that was completed without a building permit. Non-source property - A property that is contaminated, although the discharge of the contaminant occurred on another propertyi.e., not the responsible party. Normal property value - The market value of a property in an undamaged condition and without consideration of any detrimental condition. NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (See PCS) NPL: National Priority List. Database of all EPA NPL sites that fall under the EPA's Superfund program. NPPL - National Priority Pollutants List: a list of common pollutants caused by underground storage tank facilities. Nuclear plants - Proximity to a nuclear-powered electric generating facility.
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